Customer Reviews

  • I love both the pain spray and the serum. I used the pain spray on my neck as I carry tension there and between the warmth and smell of the ingredients it is extremely relaxing and comforting. Definitely you have a great recipe there.  Rhonda
  • The serum I was hesitant to use as my skin is so completely reactive but knowing your products contained soothing natural ingredients I've been using it twice daily. My skin seemed to drink it in and it calmed it down. This cold weather this week will be a good test as the cold and wind leaves me red and dry. I'm thinking this will be a great addition to help. Love this product!   Rhonda
  • I also wanted to say that I had a cold for a few days that left my nose red and chapped which normally peels and gets very sore. Twice a day I rubbed in the serum, felt instantly soothed, resulted in no peel and took away inflammation. Went from Rudolf red to normal!   Rhonda

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